Changes in invoicing and billing for 2019

We are doing a little invoicing cleanup this winter. Thank you for your attention.
Good day from all of us at Slabmedia. In order to provide better support and clarity, we are upgrading our billing system, and in the process, we are moving from a quarterly to a monthly billing cycle as of January 1, 2019. We know this is a significant change, and we're here to answer any questions you may have.
What is happening
Tomorrow you should get a new invoice for the hosting, customer service, and Slab web publishing platform maintenance fee from Slabmedia. Please do not ignore it. We are moving away from quarterly billing to either monthly or annual billing for these services and past recurring charges will no longer run automatically.
What has changed
- We have discontinued quarterly fees in favor or either monthly or annual fees.
- If you have opted into annual payments, there should be no change to your billing.
- If you wanted annual payments, but the invoice lists you as monthly, please disregard and we will update your account.
- If you made payments quarterly, please note that we will be invoicing the appropriate fee monthly from now on. For example, if you were regularly charged $90/quarter, you would owe $30/month or can opt for $330/year for a 1-month annual discount.
- If you were charged automatically for quarterly billing, those payments will no longer be processed. To continue with automatic recurring payments, please re-enter your credit card information from the invoice and they will resume.
- If you pay each quarter by check, you may want to switch to annual payments, or else, please send us a check each month.
What to expect
The amounts you see in the new invoice are adjusted from quarterly to monthly, but otherwise, you should not notice a change unless it is itemized.
Recurring payment customers will need to please re-enter credit card information into our new Quickbooks system by clicking the "Pay Now" button on the invoice.
You may also opt to pay by check to our mailing address, use ACH bank transfer (free but not automatically recurring) or by PayPal ( if you prefer.
If you like, you can switch to annual payment and get a discount of 1 month of service fees per year. Please contact us at if you would like to switch to annual billing.
Service fees have been updated to reflect changes in your account and do not include past balances.
We are thrilled to be able to serve you and look forward to continuing to host your website into 2019 and beyond. We continue to work on new exciting upgrades to the Slab web system and stay on top of new technologies. We will send you more news about what we are working on in the new year.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Wishing you the best this Holiday season,
The Slabmedia Team
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- Changes in invoicing and billing for 2019
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