Fall 2017 Newsletter from Slabmedia

Happy Fall from your friends at Slabmedia!
In this newsletter:
https & SSL
SSL & Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
The importance of Backlinks
Slabmedia's new SEO offerings
Slabmedia's new social media advertising offerings
Referral Bonus Reminder
https & SSL
As we like to say around the office, “Would you like some SSL with your PSL?” Translation: Would you like some Secure Socket Layer (the encryption protocol that makes your website secure) with your Pumpkin Spice Latte (a delicious, seasonal beverage which has skyrocketed to such fame that now it even has its own acronym)? We'd like to think your answer will be a resounding “Yes!”, and let us explain why.
SSL & Organic SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Proactive SEO has become Mission Critical
Securing your site with an SSL certificate is not only sound policy from a security standpoint but given Google’s recent changes to its search algorithm, it is an important part of an overall Search Engine Optimization strategy designed to make sure your site doesn't get buried under your competition.
We have recently added and improved some new nerdy elements to Slab9 that affect your SEO, including better sitemaps and rich card data.
In the past, businesses could rely solely on so-called Organic SEO, or search optimizations to their website alone, to ensure high rankings in the major search engines. That may no longer be enough. As the web has evolved, with major players like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter commanding more attention from users, search engines have adapted their ranking algorithms to favor sites with contextualized popularity; that is, sites and businesses with a web presence on these and other platforms are now favored in search rankings.
Ultimately, that means that sometimes traditional Organic SEO isn't enough to keep your business above the competition, and we here at Slabmedia have adapted to the changed landscape by introducing a number of packages that will increase your presence across the web.
Slabmedia's new SEO offerings
- Slab Cumulative SEO Plan
- A cumulative approach to boost the authority of your website through local listing checks, page information optimization, and backlink building. Can be purchased one time or on a recurring subscription basis.
- Slab Blogger
- No time to blog? No problem. We can provide specific content for your blog optimized to capture keywords. 1000 word blog posts, 1 stock image included. Vetted writers. We check it over with you to be sure it's what you want on your site. Google likes new content.
- Slab SEO Organic Optimization
- The content on your pages matter, when attracting the right search results. The meta information is important, but so is the visible content. We harmonize and optimize the page information so that Google will like it better.
- Slab SEO Authority Posts
- An article posted on a high authority website with an in-content link back to your site, or a specific url on your site. This sort of back-linking helps identify you as an authority in your field and has been proven to boost your position in searches. All articles are white-hat and penguin-proof, meaning Google will not penalize you for these articles and links. Can be purchased one at a time or in recurring batches.
- Slab Authority Boost
- A 6-8 week outreach program for your website. This is a combination of Slab SEO Referring Articles, Slab SEO Press Release and simple specialized Links back to your url to build your site's authority. Boost the authority of your website by building incoming links from a variety of sources. Keyword recommendation is included.
- Slab Local SEO
- Clean up your local SEO citations and listings to improve overall performance. Best for brick and mortar businesses.
- Slab SEO Press Release
- Press release creation and distribution for SEO purposes (3 links / 3 keywords) 100+ Authority News Outlets & Hundreds of others.
Contact us for a price guide for these new services.
Slabmedia's new social media advertising offerings
- Facebook Advertising Campaigns
- We create the ad, create the budget and monitor the results. Facebook advertising is one of the most effective ways to promote your business lately. Let us help you do it right.
- YouTube Advertising Campaigns
- YouTube has new advertising opportunities that mean real savings for people willing to post a video ad at the start of other videos or in the header/side of youtube window. Contact us to find out how you can take advantage of this.
- SnapChat Advertising Campaigns
- A new opportunity to reach an audience on SnapChat. Ads can be animated or still. We can set them up for you, get them running and monitor the results to let you know how they are doing.
Contact us for information about pricing and requirements for these new services.
Referral Bonus Reminder
We'd like to remind you that you can save substantially on quarterly hosting fees by referring new business! If a business you refer to us accepts our Proposal for a new site, site redesign, or SEO package, we will waive up to 6 months of your hosting fees. So keep your eyes open for sites you think would benefit from a redesign, or refer anyone starting up a business to us, and let them know Slabmedia is the go-to company for their web-branding, search, and web design needs!
“This is even easier than Wix, which made my brain hurt”
- Patty Romanoff, Bulletproof Artist Management,
spoken while editing Dar Williams’ upcoming Slab9 site for the first time.
- Search and Marketing services that will help you get found.
- New Product Announcement: Slab Shopping Cart!
- Wishes for a festive winter celebration and happy New Year!
- Ideas for our musician clients during this national COVID19 emergency
- Happy Holidays from Slabmedia
- Slabmedia Hosting Service Payment Policy Update
- Slabmedia Newsletter Summer 2019
- Our holiday card made only from html, css and a little javascript.
- Changes in invoicing and billing for 2019
- All site migration to https
- Spring 2018 Slabmedia Newsletter
- Fall 2017 Newsletter from Slabmedia